Social media

Our Facebook page

Our Youtube channel

Our Twitter account

Our LinkedIn page

Code of Conduct - Social media of the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc

By following or publishing content on the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc's Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Linkedin accounts, the user fully and unconditionally accepts this code of conduct and agrees, during each of his visits, to respect it.

These rules apply to interactions related to each of the social media, whether they are isolated comments or posted following an article, photo, video, etc.

Social media is a space for exchange and interaction aimed at informing patients, visitors, and partners about the hospital's activities and news.

Administrators of Saint-Luc’s social media reserve the right to remove any content or messages that are considered inappropriate, such as:

  • Off-topic or incomprehensible content;
  • Content contrary to law, public order or morality;
  • Content intended to discredit other comments and publications for a non-constructive purpose;
  • Advertising or commercial messages;
  • Content of a racist, xenophobic, defamatory, abusive or denigrating nature;
  • Insults, discriminatory, hateful, aggressive or offensive messages;
  • Incitement to violence or murder;
  • Content of a pornographic, pedophile or obscene nature;
  • Content infringing the right to control the use of their image and to maintain their privacy.

Contents must use correct and understandable language and may not be repetitive.
Saint-Luc remains in control of the list of people who subscribe to its page. As a result, people displaying profiles with inappropriate content will be removed from the subscriber list.

It is totally prohibited for anyone, including employees², to disseminate confidential data on social media. This includes information relating to patients as well as any information internal to the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc or its partners. In accordance with the principle of loyalty, an employee shall refrain from compromising the reputation of his employer.

¹ Non-exhaustive list of social media for which this Code of Conduct is applicable

² The notion of "employee" is to be interpreted in a broad sense and refers to any person who is or has been active within the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc. For the purposes of this document, students, trainees, temporary workers, volunteers, consultants, collaborators of partner companies or institutions, etc., are therefore treated as such